Web World Wonders Syllabus

Project Description: The main project for the "Web World Wonders" course is to create an interactive web portfolio that showcases your child's skills and interests. This portfolio will serve as a personal website, highlighting their achievements and passions. Throughout the course, your child will gradually build and enhance this portfolio, adding features and personal touches to make it unique.

Week 1: HTML - Building the Foundation

  • In the first week, your child will embark on the journey of web development with HTML, the fundamental language of the web. They will create a basic HTML structure for a simple webpage and learn about essential HTML elements such as tags, headings, paragraphs, lists, and links.
  • These newfound skills will be immediately put to use as your child crafts the foundational structure and content of their very own webpage.

Week 2: CSS - Adding Style and Elegance

  • Building upon their HTML foundation, in the second week, your child will dive into the world of CSS, the magic wand for web styling and layout. They will discover the power of CSS properties, selectors, fonts, colors, and backgrounds.
  • These skills will enable your child to transform their webpage, making it visually appealing and uniquely styled.

Week 3: Advanced CSS for Layout and Positioning

  • Next, your child will dive deeper into the world of advanced CSS, which is all about creating stunning layouts and precisely positioning elements on web pages.
  • This knowledge will introduce them to powerful layout techniques: advanced box model and margins, CSS Grid and Flexbox Layouts.

Week 4: Responsive Web Design - Crafting User-Friendly and animated Websites

  • The final week focuses on responsive web design, ensuring that web pages adapt seamlessly to different devices. Your child will discover responsive design principles, media queries, and flexible layouts.
  • They‘ll continue to delve deeper into more advanced CSS techniques, including transitions, animations, transformations, and effects, to add that extra layer of interactivity and creativity to their web projects.

Weekly Schedule: Our weekly schedule is thoughtfully crafted to offer your child an engaging and interactive learning journey. It combines structured group sessions to kickstart the learning process with independent work time, fostering problem-solving skills. After this individual exploration, we regroup to discuss our findings and share diverse problem-solving approaches, creating a well-rounded learning experience.

Monday (Group Lesson):

  • At the beginning of each week, we embark on a collective journey. This is when we introduce the new chapter, give an overview of the week's topics, and address any necessary setup or preparations. We also delve into the current state of the main project.

Throughout the Week (Tuesday/Wednesday):

  • Tuesday and Wednesday are all about hands-on coding challenges related to the week's theme. These challenges become progressively more intricate, allowing your child to enhance their skills step by step.

Thursday (Group Lesson):

  • We gather on Thursdays to recap the coding challenges. Here, we discuss solutions and best practices, promoting a deeper understanding of the concepts. Your child is encouraged to explore how to integrate their newfound skills into the main project, setting the stage for the weekend challenge.

During the Weekend (Friday to Sunday):

  • As the week comes to a close, the learning continues. Throughout the weekend, your child extends their main project, applying their freshly acquired knowledge. The weekend challenge encourages creative problem-solving and the practical application of their learning.

Alongside the essential web development skills, our program also fosters problem-solving abilities that extend beyond coding. These skills are versatile and can be applied in various life situations. Problem-solving empowers your child to approach challenges with confidence and creativity, enriching their lives with problem-solving mastery. Join us on this journey to unlock your child's potential!